Dry Ingredient Depositors

D-Model Depositors: For Dry & Granular Particulates

As the flagship depositing system in the Christy catalog, our Dry Ingredient Depositors are capable of accommodating the widest variety of ingredient types from fine granulars like flour, salt, and sugar, to courser mediums such as sprinkles, chocolate chips, whole/chopped nuts, and even frozen fruit and coconut shreds.
More than any other Christy system, the Dry Ingredient system reflects our ethos of "Custom-Standard". Over the decades we have designed and delivered units designed from the ground up, with this operating system at the center.

Simple - Flexible - Reliable

Available in several standard profiles, and capable of deposit widths ranging from 8 inches to 12 feet, the Dry Ingredient Depositing system is highly customizable and pairs easily with a wide variety of filling, mounting, and control systems to easily integrate with your production line. Options, add-on, and mods available based on customer needs and product testing